There are beneficial substances in the meat, milk, yoghurt and eggs of the farm animal.
Consuming dark green vegetables reduces your risk of heart attack and stroke and protects you from colon cancer (large intestine).
Consuming fruits in season and with pulp strengthens your immune system. Especially; Dark red foods blackberry, strawberry, raspberry, mushroom, turnip, blackberry, black mulberry, honey strengthen your immunity and protect you from rheumatic diseases.
Carrots, pomegranates, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, purslane and citrus fruits protect women from breast cancer.
Omega-3 rich (organic) fish consumption living in open seas has a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases, rheumatism, allergies and cancer.
Due to their heavy metal content, it is necessary to avoid inland sea fish close to the coasts, large (old) fish and bottom fish. After consumption of such fish, it is necessary to consume halva to remove heavy metals from the body.
Flaxseed and soy are good for menopausal hot flashes and slow osteoporosis
Carrots also protect against colon, kidney, skin cancer and lymphoma.
Consumption of pumpkin seeds, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, fish, tomato (summer paste) has a protective effect against prostate cancer.